Wherever there is the confluence of Saraswati river, by bathing in it, a person goes to the eternal Brahmaloka. |20
I'll tell you, There's a very pious Shivling. This Mahalinga in Kalikshetra is as virtuous as Kedarnath. |21
By worshiping there, Brahma and the gods reached their respective positions, in which rebirth is rare. |22
अथैकोननवतितमोऽध्यायः Adhyaya 89 वसिष्ठ उवाच इति ते कथितो देवि रक्तबीजवधो मया । यं श्रुत्वापि नरः पापान्मुच्यते कोटिजन्मजात् ॥१ Vasistha said - Oh goddess! In this way I have spoken of the slaughter of Raktabeej, listening to it frees from the sins of millions of births. |1 अथ ते कथयिष्यामि कालिकायाः सुदुर्लभम् । माहात्म्यं परमं गोप्यं कलौ दुर्ज्जनमानुषे ॥२ Now I will tell you about the rare glory of Kalika, that in Kaliyuga should be kept hidden from the wicked. |2 काली प्रत्यक्षफलदा पूजनात्स्मरणादपि । यः कश्चिन्मानवो भक्त्या पूजयेत्परमां शिवाम् ॥ स याति रूद्रभवनं यावदाभूतसम्प्लवम् ॥३ Kali gives fruits by worshiping and even remembering, who worships the Supreme Devi called Shivah with devotion resides in Rudra-bhavan samadhi until the end of days. |3 कृते यत्प्राप्यते पुण्यं वर्षकोटिशतैरपि । तत्पुण्यं प्रप्यतेऽत्रैव त्रिरात्रान्नात्र संशयः ॥४ The virtue that is achieved in millions of years in Satyuga is achieved here in three nights, of that there is no doubt. |4 माषमात्रं सुवर्णं तु कालिकायै तु यो ददेत् । तत्स्यात्कोटिगुणं पुण्यं वर्द्धमानं दिनेदिने ॥५ He who dedicates gold equal to one urad (grain of lentils) to Kalika, obtains this weight increased every day. |5 कालीयं दर्शनेनापि कैवल्यफलदायिनी । अस्यै भुमिं तु यो दद्यादपि गोचर्ममात्रिकाम् ॥६ ग्रहनक्षत्रताराणां कालेन पतनाद्भयम् । तस्य नैव कदाचित्तु पतनं विष्णुलोकतः ॥७ Just by seeing it, Kali is supposed to give salvation. He who provides Gocharma (a measure of earth) to Kalika, even if the planets, constellations and stars fall, he never falls from the company of Vishnu. |6-7 तिलधेनुं च यो दद्याद्ब्राह्मणे वेदपारगे । ससागरवनद्वीपा दत्ता भवति मेदिनी ॥८ Who donates Dhenu made from sesame seeds to a learned Brahmin there, gets the result of donating the land, including the sea, forests and islands. |8 कोटिसूर्यप्रतीकाशैर्विमानैः सर्वकामिकैः । मोदते सुचिरं कालमक्षयं वृतशासनम् ॥९ He attains eternal bliss by reaching the Sky (Akashloka) just as millions of suns (stars) and planets. |9 पक्षिणो महिषाञ्छागान्मृगान्दिव्यैर्हि यो ददेत् । स तु गन्धर्वगीतः सन् विमानैर्भास्वरप्रभैः ॥१० देवीलोके वसेन्नित्यं ततो भूमौ समागतः । राजा स्याद्धार्मिकः सत्यवक्ता पुत्रसमन्वितः ॥११ He who gives birds, bulls, goats and deer in this place, lives eternally in the divine world and is praised by Gandharvas from the heavenly planes with a radiance like the sun. He becomes a religious, a truthful speaker and a king, as well as his sons. |10-11 इह लोके सुखं भुक्त्वा परमं मोदते शिवे । स सिद्धीश्वरतामेति यः कुमारीं प्रपूजयेत् ॥ गन्धाक्षतप्रसूनाद्यैर्नैवेद्यैर्विविधैरपि ॥१२ Oh Shivah! He attains supreme happiness by enjoying peace in this world. Whoever worships Kalika with the fragrance of sweet flowers and cooked food, reaches perfection. |12 सरस्वत्यास्तटे रम्ये नानामुनिगणान्विते । नानातीर्थानि रम्याणि मुक्तिमार्गप्रदानि च ॥ तानि सर्वाणि तन्वङ्गि वदामि भवमुक्तये ॥१३ Many sages obtained salvation on shrines on the beautiful shores of Saraswati river. Im telling to everyone who seeks freedom in the world. |13 संक्षेपेण शृणु प्राज्ञे यच्छ्रतं शिवतो मया । इदं क्षेत्रं परं गुह्यं यस्य कस्य न वाचयेत् ॥१४ Pandits! Listen briefly to what I heard from Shivah. This place is strictly confidential. You shouldn't tell this. |14 अत्र ब्रह्मादयो देवाः परमां सिद्धिमागताः । अत्र स्नात्वा पितृ न्देवानृषीन्यस्तर्पयेन्नरः ॥१५ तेन सन्तर्पितं सर्वं जगच्च सचराचरम् । पितरस्तस्य तृप्ताः स्युर्यावदिन्द्राश्चतुर्द्दश ॥१६ Here Brahma had reached the highest achievement. He who bathes in it and offers obeisances to ancestors, the gods and sages, together with his sons, performs a sacrifice (the tarpan) for the whole world. The fourteen senses of his ancestors are satisfied. |15-16 यः स्नानमाचरेदस्यां भक्त्या परमया मुदा । स याति परमं स्थानमृषीणां यत्सुदुर्लभम् ॥१७ भूमिदानं यः करोति महापातकवानपि । सोऽपि पापैर्वर्जितात्मा परं ब्रह्माधिगच्छति ॥१८ One who bathes in it with great devotion and donates land for the sages, attains the Supreme Brahman, becoming free from sins. |17-18 योऽत्रप्राणान्विमुच्येत क्षेत्रे देवगणावृते । मरणेन हि किं काश्यां किं गयायां हि श्राद्धतः ॥१९ To the one who gives up his prana at this place surrounded by gods, It is not necessary to perform Shradh in Kashi or Gaya. |19 स तु मुक्तो विशुद्धात्मा पुनरावृत्तिदुर्लभः । सरस्वतीन्दीवरयोः सङ्गमो यत्र वै भवेत् ॥ तत्र स्नात्वा नरो याति ब्रह्मलोकं सनातनम् ॥२० That pure soul becomes free. He is not reborn. Wherever there is the confluence of Saraswati river, by bathing in it, a person goes to the eternal Brahmaloka. |20 उन्यच्च ते प्रवक्ष्यामि शिवलिङ्गं सुपुण्यदम् । कालीक्षेत्रे महालिङ्गं केदारादपि पुण्यदम् ॥२१ I'll tell you, There's a very pious Shivling. This Mahalinga in Kalikshetra is as virtuous as Kedarnath. |21 यत्पुजनान्महाभागे ब्रह्माद्यास्त्रिदिवौकसः । स्वं स्वं पदं समालेभुः पुनरावृत्तिदुर्लभम् ॥२२ By worshiping there, Brahma and the gods reached their respective positions, in which rebirth is rare. |22 यः पूजयति तल्लिंगं स गच्छेत्परमं पदम् । यद्दर्शनादपि ध्यानाद्यन्नामस्मरणादपि ॥२३ अपि पापसमाक्रान्ता निर्मुक्ताः पापकञ्चुकात् । प्रयांति शिवसालोक्यं यावदाचन्द्रतारकम् ॥२४ He who worships that linga attains the supreme position. Seeing or even remembering, sinful human beings free themselves from the worms of sin and reside in Shivaloka as long as the moon and stars remain. |23-24 नान्ना कालीश्वरः ख्यातस्तत्समीपे जलं शुभम् । यत्पानाद्ब्रह्मसदनं याति मर्त्यो न संशयः ॥२५ That Shivling is famous by the name of Kalishwar. There is holy water near it, by drinking which a person goes to Brahmaloka, there is no doubt about it. |25 कालीक्षेत्रं समादिष्टं प्रत्यक्षफलदायकम् । श्रूयन्तेऽद्यापि निर्घोषाः शङ्खभेरीमृदङ्गजाः ॥२६ Kalikshetra is considered directly fruitful. Even today you can hear the sound of the conch shell, the drum and the mridang. |26 कदाचित्तु मुनीनां हि वेदघोषो महाद्भुतः । गायन्ति यत्र गन्धर्वा नृत्यन्त्यप्सरसाङ्गणाः ॥२७ Sometimes the great chant of Vedas is heard from the sages. The wonderful sound of the Gandharvas and dance of the Apsaras. |27 सिंहव्याध्राः समायान्ति नित्यं यद्दर्शनेप्सवः । विहाय वैरं सर्वेषु दृश्यन्तेऽद्यापि धार्मिकैः ॥२८ Lions and tigers come there regularly to see them. There is no mutual animosity between them, this is what religious people see even today. |28 सिद्धा मुनिगणा देवा इन्द्राद्याः सर्वदैव हि । पूजयन्ति महाकालीं कलौ पापप्रणाशिनीम् ॥२९ Siddhas, sages and Indra, in Kaliyuga always worship Papanashini Mahakali. |29 कलौ नास्त्येव नास्त्येव विना कालीं विमुक्तिदाम् । भुक्तिदा मुक्तिदा नृर्णां सर्वथैव मम प्रिये ॥३० Oh Dear! In Kaliyuga, there is no one who brings full enjoyment and salvation to human beings without Mokshadayini Kali. |30 एकरात्रं द्विरात्रं वा त्रिरात्रं सप्तरात्रकम् । यश्चैकाग्रमना भूत्वा यः कश्चिद्देवतामनुम् ॥ प्रजपेत्तस्य प्रत्यक्षा देवी स्याद्वरदायिनी ॥३१ One who chants a mantra for one night or two nights or three nights or seven nights with a concentrated mind, is surely heard by the Goddess of Blessings. |31 मासमात्रं फलाहारः सरस्वत्या मनुं जपेत् । स भवेच्छास्त्रवित्प्राज्ञौ देवानां च यथा गुरूः ॥३२ Fasting on fruits, whoever chants the Saraswati mantra at this place becomes a scriptural scholar like Brihaspati. |32 तत्रैव वर्त्तते वृक्षो विशुद्धाग्निज सम्भवः । पूजयन्ति सुरा देवीं तत्पुष्पैः स्वर्णसम्भवैः ॥३३ Also, there is a tree that is born of pure fire, with the golden flowers with which Devas worships the goddess. |33 यदि भाग्यवशाद्वृक्षो दृश्यते मानुषैः शुभैः । त एव पुण्या लोकेषु विमुक्तास्ते न संशयः ॥३४ If pious human beings glimpse that tree by chance they are liberated in the three worlds, there is no question about it. |34 श्रणु देवि प्रिये दिव्यमाश्चर्यं वल्लभे मम । देव्याः पश्चिमभागे तु समीपे लिङ्गमुत्तमम् ॥३५ Oh Goddess! my love! Hear the divine and be amazed! To the west of Devi, nearby there is an exquisite Shivling. |35 तेजोरूपं महादेव्याः समीपे फलदायकम् । नाम्ना सिद्धेश्वरं ख्यातं दर्शनान्मुक्तिदायकम् ॥३६ That extravagant-shaped linga near Mahadevi is fruitful. It is famous by the name of Siddheshwar and gives liberation by visit and sight. |36 मतङ्गाख्या शिला तत्र परमस्थानदायिनी । मतङ्गमुनिना यत्र तपस्तप्तं सुदारूणम् ॥३७ A rock called Matang is the highest venerable place. Matang Muni did severe penances over there. |37 सदैव निलयं देव्या यत्रास्ते वरवर्णिनि । पश्वादिबलिभिः प्रीता ददाति च मनोरथान् ॥३८ Oh Beautifull! The Goddess always resides there and, by nourishing and worshiping she delivers them they desires. |38 पितृर्नुदिश्य ये श्राद्धं तत्र कुर्वन्ति मानवाः । विमुक्ताः पितरस्तेषां पितरस्ते तु पुत्रिणः ॥३९ There those people who offer Shradh with faith and sincerity, expressing the gratitude towards their parents and ancestors, are listen and their ancestors find peace and liberation. |39 ततो देव्याः पूर्वभागे गिरो गव्यूतिमात्रके । आस्ते तत्र महादेवी नान्ना तु रणमण्डना ॥४० East from there, two koshas distance away, there is a famous Mahadevi by the name of Ramamanana. |40 यत्र गत्वा नरो याति देवीलोकमनामयम् । शरद्वसन्तयोः काले बलिपूजोपहारकैः ॥ पूजयेद्भक्तिभावेन पूजयन्त्येव तं सुराः ॥४१ By going there, a person reaches the place of the Goddess. In the autumn and spring seasons (that is, in both Navratras) one who worships Devi giving cooked food worships together with the gods. |41 विमानवरमारूह्य किङ्किणी जालमालिनम् । परितोऽप्सरसां वृन्दैर्गन्धर्वैः सिद्धकिन्नरैः ॥४२ शोभमानं प्रयात्येव भित्वा सूर्यस्य मण्डलम् । ब्रह्मलोकं मुनिवरैरीप्सितं दुःखवर्जितम् ॥४३ He climbs on a perfect plane where cristaline water is being offered and Devi is adorned with garlands by a group of Apsaras, Gandharvas, Siddhas and kinnaras, and after distinguishing the solar system, he goes to the desired and sorrow-free Brahmaloka in the company of the sages. |42-43 अत्र यं कुरूते कामं तं तं प्राप्नोत्यसंशयम् । सर्वपापप्रशमनं सर्वोपद्रवनाशनम् ॥ समस्तैश्वर्यदं पुंसां नित्यं दानविधायिनाम् ॥४४ And whosoever desires here, he certainly receives it. It is the extinguisher of all sins and the destroyer of all disturbances. It is the giver of all opulences and discernment of the real. |44 अस्मिन् गिरौ महाकाली समाप्लुत्य नभस्तलम् । कराभ्यां सुदृढाभ्यां तु पृथिवीं समताडयत् ॥४५ Mahakali jumped into the sky and, on this mountain, landed on the earth with very firm hands. |45 अद्यापि दृश्यते तत्र करचिह्नं सुनिर्मलम् । इदमेव परं स्थानं तपःसिद्धिप्रदायकम् ॥४६ Even today, Her hand marks are seen there. This is the best place for the fulfillment of penance. |46 पर्वतेऽस्मिन्महाभागे सिद्धगन्धर्वकिन्नराः । विचरन्ति सुखं देव्या दृश्यन्तेऽद्यापि कैश्चन ॥४७ Great Siddhas, Gandharvas and Kinnars live happily on this mountain with the Goddess, whom are still seen today. |47 काल्याश्चोत्तरभागे तु योजनार्द्धेन सम्मिते । तत्र स्थानं महादेव्याः सर्वपीठोत्तमोत्तमम् ॥४८ In the northern part of Kali sacred-site, at half yojana distance, Mahadevi has the best place among all the Peeths. |48 कोटिमाहेश्वरी देवी वसते नित्यमेव हि । सर्वपापहरा सर्वसुखभोगप्रदायिनी ॥ यद्दर्शनादपि नरो जातिस्मरणमाप्नुयात् ॥४९ There Kotimaheshwari Devi continually resides. That goddess is the one who takes away all sins and the giver of all pleasures. Humans beings can get the benefit of visit and fruits of caste remembrance of her sight. |49 इति श्रीस्कान्दे केदारखण्डे कालीक्षेत्रतीर्थाभिधानं नामैकोननवतितमोऽध्यायः ।८९ In the Kedarkhand of Sriskandpuran, the ninth-eighth chapter called Kalikshetratirthakathan ends. |89
अथ नवतितमोऽध्यायः Adhyaya 90 अरून्धत्युवाच मुनिसोवितपादाब्ज प्राणवल्लभ मत्पते । या त्वया सूचिता मह्यं कोटिमाहेश्वरीति वै ॥१ कथं तस्याः समुत्पत्तिः कथं नाम बभूव हि । कथं तस्याः स्थितिस्तत्र दुर्गमे हिमपर्वते ॥२ Arundhati recite - The Lotus Feet Served by the Sages! Dearer than life! Om my love ! How did you find out what you have told me about Kotimaheshwari? How did you get Her name? And how did it happen on that inaccessible mountain? . |1-2 वसिष्ठ उवाच श्रृणु प्रिये वरारोहे सुन्दरि प्राणवल्लभे । धन्यासि कृतपुण्यासि यस्यास्ते ईदृशी मतिः ॥३ Vasishta said - Oh dear! Beautifull One! Listen ! You are blessed, you have done enough merit, because you have such a beautiful mind. |3 अनादिनिधना देवी ने वाङ्मनसगोचरा । सैव सत्त्वादिसंयोगात्सृष्टण्यदीन् कुरूते भृशम् ॥४ Devi is devoid of beginning and end, speech and mind. An undivided true that creates this eternal creation by combining Her qualities (gunas) out of autruist actions. |4 नित्या शुद्धा निर्विकारा निराकारा निरत्यया । कथं तस्याः समुत्पत्तिं वदामि सुन्दरानने ॥५ She's the bright-faced one! She is eternal, pure, disorderless, formless and imperishable. So how do I tell the origin of it? |5 परं तु त्वद्गतप्रीत्या वक्ष्यामि तज्जनिं शुभाम् । यदा यदा हि बाधा स्यद्देवानामासुरी प्रिये ॥६ तदा तच्छमनार्थाय ह्यविर्भूता महेश्वरी । लोके सा तु तदोत्पन्नेत्येवं वादो भवत्यथ ॥७ But for your love I will tell you its origin. Oh Dear! Whenever demons hinder deities, Maheshwari seems to suffocate them. Only then is there a reason in the world for her to get up. |6-7 देवानुग्रहणार्थाय महिषासुरघातने । तथा शुम्भनिशुम्भस्य दैत्ययोर्विनिपातने ॥८ रक्तबीजादिदैत्यानां मारणे स महात्मिका । चकार विविधा माया असुराणां भयप्रदाः ॥९ To give grace to the gods, in the slaughter of the asuras (demons) called Shumbh-Nishumbha, in the destruction of Mahishasura, and in the slaughter of demons like Raktabeej, Mahamaya created various kinds of illusions that terrified them. |8-9 क्वचिच्च सिंहरूपेण नारसिंहेन च क्वचित् । क्वचित्कांश्चिज्जघानासौ वाराहं रूपमाश्रिता ॥१० Somewhere in the shape of a lion, somewhere in the shape of a human lion, and somewhere in the shape of a boar, she killed some asuras (daityas). |10 कांश्चिद्वै ब्रह्मणः शक्त्या इन्द्रशक्त्या तथापरान् । बाणरूपेन खड्गेन शस्त्रशास्त्रस्वरूपिणी ॥११ Some were destroyed by the power of Brahma, some by the power of Indra, some by arrows, some by a shape of knives, and some by other weapons. |11 क्वचिच्च विंशतिभुजा शतहस्ता तथा क्वचित् । क्वचित्सहस्त्रहस्ता च विंशास्या शुभतुण्डधृक् ॥१२ एकपादा द्विपादा च नियुताङिघ्रः परार्द्धपात् । कांश्चित्खड्गेन चिच्छेद निजगाल तथाऽपरान् ॥१३ She revealed somewhere with twenty arms, somewhere with a hundred arms, somewhere with a thousand arms, somewhere with twenty faces, somewhere with a good face, somewhere with one leg, somewhere with two legs, somewhere with a million feets and somewhere with infinite feets. She cut some with a knife and took some away. |12-13 कांश्चिच्छूलेन भित्त्वा च चिक्षेप गगनान्तरे । क्वचिद्दर्शनयोग्याभूत्क्वचिद्दश्या न कैश्चन ॥१४ Some were pierced with a hook and thrown into the sky. They were visible somewhere and somewhere invisible. |14 अरूपा बहुरूपा च क्वचिदिन्द्रादिरूपिणी । एवं चक्रे यतो मायाः कोटीः प्राणस्य वल्लभे ॥१५ अतस्तस्या बभूवैतत्कोटिमायेश्वरीति च । नाम विख्यातिमायातं स्वर्गाधिकफलप्रदम् ॥१६ Somewhere, Rupayit was in many forms and somewhere in the form of Indra, Oh my dearest love! Because Durga had made millions of Mayas in this way, she received the name Kotimaheshwari. This famous name is more fruitful than heaven. |15-16 हिमवत्पर्वते रम्ये देवैराराधिता सती । तत्रैव वसतिं चक्रे लोकानां हितकाम्यया ॥१७ Durga, whom the gods worshiped on the Himalayan mountain, began to reside there with the good wishes of the people. |17 यः कुर्य्याद्दर्शनं तस्या मुक्तिस्तस्य करे स्थिता । देवीं प्रति समायान्तं दृष्ट्वा तत्प्रपितामहाः ॥ नृत्यन्ति हर्षिताः सर्वे व्रजामो लोकमव्ययम् ॥१८ इत्येवं वादिनो भद्रे वदन्ति च रमन्ति च । यैः कृतं पिण्डदानं हि स्नानतर्पणपुर्वकम् ॥ तारितं तैः सुपुत्रैस्तु कलमेकोत्तरं शतम् ॥१९ The person who sees her, will have salvation in her hands. Seeing the person who has come to the Goddess, his father starts dancing with joy and goes to the imperishable world. They say so and rejoice. Those who offer Pind Daan (balls of wheat or rice expressing the gratitude towards our parents and ancestors) by bathing and offering tarpan there, they give harmony to one hundred and sixty generations of their sons. |18-19 गयायां पिण्डदानेन यत्फलं लभते नरः । तत्फलं लभते ह्यत्र पिण्डदाने कृते सति ॥२० Oh Sati! The fruit that a person obtains by donating Pind in Gaya, he obtains by donating Pind here. |20 कोटिमायेश्वरीं देवों यः पुजयति भक्तितः । न तस्य पुनरावृत्तिः कल्पकोटिशतैरपि ॥२१ One who worships Goddess Kotimayeshwari with devotion, is not reborn by millions of kalpas (the period of time between the creation and dissolution/recreation of the universe). |21 यः कश्चित्कपिलामेकामस्मिंस्तीर्थे प्रयच्छति । अहीनाङ्गो ह्यरोगश्च पञ्चेन्द्रियसमन्वितः ॥२२ यावन्ति रोमकूपानि तस्य गात्रेषु सन्ति वॆ । तावद्युगसहस्त्राणि स्वर्गलोके महीयते ॥२३ Whoever offers a Kapila cow on this place, is omnipresent, healthy and with five senses, he is worshiped in heaven for as many thousands of years as there are pores in the body of that cow. |22-23 ततः स्वर्गात्परिभ्रष्टो राजराजो भवेदिह । स भुक्त्वा विपुलान्भोगान्मत्तीर्थे मरणं भवेत् ॥२४ After leaving heaven, he becomes king of this world. After enjoying abundant pleasures, he comes to death on this holy place. |24 अस्मिंस्तीर्थे महाभागे यस्तु प्राणान्परित्यजेत् । देवीसायुज्यमाप्नोति सत्यं सत्यं न संशयः ॥२५ Oh Great one! Whoever renounces life on this holy place obtains salvation by the grace of the Goddess, this is undoubtedly true. |25 यस्तु भूमिं प्रयच्छेत हस्तमात्रामपि द्विजे । तेन दत्ता भवेत्पृथ्वी सशैलवनकानना ॥२६ He who at this place gives even a hand of land to a brahman, obtains the fruit of the donation of the land together with the forests and mountains. |26 यं मन्त्रं प्रजपेदत्र चैकरात्रोषितो नरः । स मन्त्रसिद्धितां याति शत्रुमंत्रोऽपि वल्लभे ॥२७ Oh Dear! The mantra that a person chants after fasting for one night here, that mantra becomes perfect. The mantra that is used to resolves enmities is also proved to work here. |27 इति ते कथितं दिव्यं माहात्म्यं मुक्तिदायकम् । कोटिमायेश्वरीदेव्या यैः श्रुतं ते विकल्मषाः ॥२८ The liberating divine greatness of Kotimayeshwari has been told to you. Hearing this one becomes sinless. |28 इति श्रीस्कान्दे केदारखण्डे कोटिमाहेश्वरीमाहात्म्यकथनं नाम नवतितमोऽध्याय ।९० In the Kedarkhand of Sriskanda Purana, the ninety chapter of the Mahatmyakathan of Kotimaheshwari ends. |90